Monthly Board Meetings

Schedule (PDF)

Place: TGIA Office or via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2839306736?pwd=ZUo4ZlNBbmEwR3NFVjI0dU9ZVkZVdz09




Annual Meeting of the Members – 2024

Date error on Ballot, does not void ballot. Ballot is undersized per USPS requirements, If you would like an amended ballot mailed/emailed to you to ensure we get your vote, please contact us at info@tierragrande.org.

Date:     Saturday, July 20th

Time:    11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Place:    Rio Communities City Hall, 360 Rio Communities Blvd, Rio Communities, NM 87002 (Next to Del Rio Senior Center)


Refreshments:  Attendees will be provided with tickets for refreshments / food via food truck service. The food trucks should be lined up and read to take your order by 10:30 a.m.

Notes: Unfortunately this year we will not have access to internet service so participation via Zoom or other online platforms will not be available.

The historical Annual Meeting Minutes & Financial Reviews are below:

Annual Meeting Minutes:

Annual Financial Review :



Topic: Tierra Grande 2021 Annual Meeting
Hosted By:

Note: Countdown time is shown based on your local timezone.

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